(TRANSLATED PORTION) FNC Grabbz interview with Jordi LMK
This post is a translation on an interview by Jordi LMK (@DefNotJordi on X) to FNC coach Grabbz (@GrabbZ_ on X). I will do my best to portray the tone and intentions behind the questions and answers so as not to create any confusion. I am a native spanish speaker so it will be as accurate as possible.
- Disclaimer: The interview has 4 main sections and this post only includes "Fnatic's 2024 block" section
Source: "Entrevista con FNC GRABBZ: "Creo que KOI no es ni top 4 de la LEC" | Cómo es trabajar con Razork"
Link to the original YouTube interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JainDm7exuA&t=2409s&ab_channel=JordiLMK
J= Jordi (the interviewer), G= Grabbz
Section "Fnatic's 2024 block"
J- Let's talk a bit about FNC 2024, many people on twitter wanted me to ask for your opinion. What can you say about the 2024 team in general?
G-As I said on the english inteview on fnatic's YouTube, I think it was a team that had the ability to both beat and be defeated by anyone because they didn't have a very high base, "their skillfloor was very low". Suddenly Jun or Razork would lose their heads and lose the game on their own. This is something I've already spoken about, and I think it happens to everyone in the LEC, you can see that players don't have a plan and they merely react to whatever is going on in game. In this case FNC could win because they had very talented players so they could afford to "roll the dice" and it would succeed more often than worse teams. But this meant that they could lose very easily with one of those coinflips as well.
J-So you think that them not having a good base was the only reason they didn't win or was there something else? For people in my chat, the summer split final is still a trauma.
G- This is just what I mean, those games were so so easy to close but they didn't because if you always play in this "random" manner, you don't always need to look for the best choice of play. Sometimes going for a good play is just enough but FNC never seemed to think that way, they always wanted to do the greatest play and win at that point instead of waiting a couple of minutes.
J-Do you think there were times during the 2024 season, I think Guilhoto said this in ESPM, when FNC was the best team in EU?
G- It hurts my stomach to praise teams in LEC (comparing the level to LCK) and I would refer to the expression "In the country of the blind, a one-eyed man is a king". So yes, you can say that about FNC but it really means nothing when you compare them to Korea or China, right?
J- Yeah, speaking about that, EU had trouble even against the minor regions at the worlds tournament.
G- I had already said before worlds that no EU team would make it to top 8.
J- Speaking of worlds 2024, what did you think of EU's performance?
G- Mad's performance didn't surprise me because they had like, what, 30% winrate in LEC? They had one good tournament which was the summer finals and they made the same mistakes as they did in LEC "splits" so it didn't surprise me. Well it did surprise me that they lost to mexicans though I am mexican but I didn't expect that.
FNC and G2 did play better at worlds that what I had expected from seeing the summer finals. At that point G2 had already lost a lot of form compared to msi where I had thought "okay, with their level at msi they can really be top 4". And well, FNC as I said they could go 3-0, 3-1, or 0-3.
J- That first game vs DPKG was really winnable...
G- *Flames Moham in a nice joking way* The poor guy was out of step
J- When your name was being rumoured for FNC, people weren't sure it was true because you had said a while ago that you didn't want to work with Razork and Humanoid. Can you speak about that and what changed your mind?
G- Well, I have learned more about how people work because as a coach you evolve and I've work on how to understand players better and how to work with different personalities. Not to go to FNC, but to improve myself.
Also, I talked a bit more with them (not as much with Razork) and I realised that humanoid speaks to you quite differently when you're someone he knows more. He speaks more honestly about how he thinks and that's why he's such a "polarizing" guy.
J- You either love him or you hate him.
G- I would like for FNC fans to know about this beacause it's not right for him to be a player who has been working so hard for four years and people think he's a lazy dude. It's easy to say "I don't want to work with Razork because x, y and z", but what I should do and I am doing is trying to find ways to work with him. At the end of the day, you're not just dumb so he doesn't wanna work with you, I think perhaps he hasn't yet found a coach that can properly help him improve the way he needs.
J- What has been your first impression working with Razork and Humanoid these first few days?
G-They're both hardworkers and i've confirmed this myth of humanoid being super smart. I think he's the player that I've coached that "reads the map" the fastest. Everyone asks "if humanoid is so smart, why don't they win everything?", it's not the same think to see something and to communicate it. For example, Perkz was a bit slower reading the map but was good at communicating it. Gaax and I will need to learn how to help humanoid translate his thoughts and vision to the rest of the players.
Razork... He is just what I imagined, he angers me sometimes and he knows it *laughs*. He's a very good player but he's the type I talked about earlier, he wants to be great and doesn't settle with just a sure play.
J- He's the coinflipper? There's also Mikyx, right?
G- Those two are going to be the end of me. They're the one's who die the most in scrims although humanoid too.. They all die a lot, really, they're all inters.
The thing about Razork is that he int, but he ints in a way that is logical and when he explains it after, it mekes sense. My job as a coach is not to tell him to stop going for plays, I don't want to stop players from shining. I'm sure he's heard from coaches to stop going in for fights a thousand times, that's not going to work so I'll have to find a way to reason logically with him and when he understands it, he improves really fast.
He is very talented and rightfully the best jungler in LEC. He's going to keep being the best but hopefully in a more calm, stable way. I don't want to take away these players "light", just guide them as best I can.
J- We'll talk about the whole new roster later but going back to my questions, did you have any other offers from LEC team?
G- From LEC not so much, there was some contact but the contracts are very long and there's a lot of people currently under contract so it's quite complicated because I want a head coach position and I will take over a lot of "power".
I did talk with some ERL teams and both LTA north and south teams as well. In some way I would've come back to coaching, definetely.
J- Question from "Jefferson", were there any talks with Koi or was it just a twitter fantasy?
G- No, there hasn't been any contact with Koi. For the people that thought something might end up happening I have to say that Melzhet is just like me, he wants to carry the vision and direct so it wouldn't have worked out."Too many cooks making the soup".
J- Yeah, Melzhet talked about wanting a true assistant coach on stream and that's when I realised you two wouldn't work together.
Question from "Italocrt" , how does it feel to be back on the LEC?
G- I'm very, very happy. I don't sleep much, but I'm very happy, it's what I want. I could've gone back to my studies, I was in Humboldt (prestigious university in Berlin) at 17 because I had even skipped at grade. I was actually very smart though I have lost a lot of brain cells i think *laughs*. But this is my passion so I'm happy.
J- People in twitch chat are saying that LEC fans are really happy you're back too and I agree. I think everyone can have their own opinion about you as a coach but you're one of the most vocal figures on twitter.
With all due respect to Nightshare, we didn't hear from him at all. He didn't say anything after the games, he would just dissapear. And he's just an example of many others.
G-Yeah, I'm going to keep communicating for sure but now that I'm nearing 30 years old I will stop shitposting, though.
J-*smiles* There's no need to shitpost but the tweets you're putting out now about scrims, banter with players, Gaax, etc are good.
G- I think it's really important because there are so many FNC fans and so much excitement and there's really no place for them to live it. I spoke to the "communication" team and told them that there's there's no way that narratives about players like humanoid keep going for years. This is something I would like to change because I think it's important.
J- When you joined FNC and posted on Reddit, it was something the fans really appreciated and we haven't seen before from a coach.
G-I mean, I've been coaching for 10 years but when I started I didn't wan't to post for pictures, etc. Now I know that little gestures and thanking the fans really go a long way but I undersand why newer coaches prefer not to focus so much on this.