Psoas tightness is no joke!

Okay so I deal with anterior pelvic tilt and have done most of my life but it got to a point where it was causing me excruciating back pain. So over time I’ve tried stretching it. But now it’s got to a point where the tightness has now effected me in ways you wouldn’t think of,

  • Constipated
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ab Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Stress
  • Bloating(Gas)
  • Unable to Breathe As Much

This is all down to the psoas, I need a release, the only thing doing me justice at the moment is a pso-rite. I was so built up the other day bloated as hell and constipated, I stretched it out this morning and I got my release in the toilet. It wasn’t pretty but I felt so empty. Any suggestions on what I can do for long term?
