Production/Frank most-show interactions with Mizzy should be instructive to some of you
All of you "I hate these people and only watch the show to see them tOrTuRed and BrOkeN" freaks are the same people watching the show 24/7 to the point where it's fucking up your real lives. You literally watch them sleep (lol) and you're definitely the ones buying Alexis' thongs while calling her a bad mom. Production doesn't hate these people. They're all making a show together. Sam clearly means it when he gives Simbal respect. The guy has certainly put up with more than all the degenerates spending money to call him slurs on the internet ever could and he's still standing. Glory to the man in the arena. Most of you have never done anything competitive in your lives. If anything, and there's plenty of evidence of this if you actually follow MDE outside of Fishtank, it's you the wiggers hate.