Transaksi di LN & tabungan valas

first post here,

halo, as background in general mungkin saya izin cerita sedikit ya; jadi pengetahuan saya mengenai keuangan masih konvensional, selama ini hanya punya debit BCA dan tabungan di digital bank Jago. this year i want to learn and experience more of financial options out there, for example: thinking of applying my first CC (probably BCA JCB & MCxTiket -- gatau bakal lolos apa ngga wkwk) after 3 days reading lots of CC threads here, and did research here and there. so planning to incorporate CC in my daily transaction and less for debit needs

kemudian background lagi utk my main question; tahun ini juga i will have my first trip to Japan (after a decade of not traveling lol). I already gathered that CC BCA JCB prob is a great option for credit transaction in Jp, but others said I better have some cash on me as well. sure, I'll prepare some cash too (prob will visit VIP or further reading which better money xchangers in Jkt), but wondering if I can go with debit transaction in Yen --> thus this thread title. So far saya ketemu rekomendasinya: Jenius, DBS, OCBC

so the question I haven't found answers for is: which digital bank wins in foreign transaction for traveling and for investing in fx?

inginnya ga hanya utk Yen tapi bisa utk future traveling plans (hence I plan to get BCA MCxTiket too (not aiming for miles bcs I'm not a big spender)) dan mungkin bisa tipis2 nabung valas juga. Banyak yg rekomen Jenius tapi sejujurnya saya kurang percaya sama Jenius wkwkw (dulu pernah punya Jenius tapi udah ditutup sejak ada feesible dan macem2 berita)

so my option lands on DBS or OCBC, any insights? other banks also welcomed (kalau ada yg mau merubah pikiran saya ttg Jenius juga boleh wkwk)

also, if it depends on what countries, I have big dreams of visiting Thai, Europe (esp Spain), UK. others maybe SG, MY, HK, Aus, FYI.

Sorry if my question is weird/broke any rules, but TIA!

barusan kebetulan bgt ada yg nanya juga di app sebelah wkwk, ternyata sebutannya Multicurrency Account ya, jadi punya rekening valas di digital bank. kalo BCA gitu katanya tabungan valas harus dipisah semacam akun BCA IDR & BCA USD gitu, not preferable si