Thoughts and opinions on FRU now that it's done
I was really hyped for this ultimate. I love the story of Eden, I loved the fights, progging them on savage was amazing.
It was never going to live up to the hype, but there're some things that kinda dissapoint me because they're below standards even for other ultimates, and I'm not talking about difficulty. (god knows I'm not qualified to talk about any ultimate's difficulty)
For one, the final phase design is a bit eh. For a raid series that had such original takes on older designs, that gave us soccer Ifrit and centaur Ramuh, I was expecting a bit more than "Ryne with a goth makeover"
It's also kinda shitty that from what I can see, a lot of her animations are reutilized from Shiva's clothed form animations.
Also, the final theme is just Scions and Sinner's version of Return to Oblivion. Which... is also a bit of a letdown considering what we've got from other ultimates.
Yes, return to oblivion is awesome, E8S was the most iconic fight of Eden. I enjoyed watching the variations on Light Rampant. But I feel like the raid series was a bit more than that. And honestly, this ultimate feels quite rushed.
That said... I definitely want to do it still lol