What are Fantasy Pants, to you?
The topic is literally as the title suggests. I am fashion-challenged IRL given that I live the WFH life so the notion of "pants" as a fashion entity I need to be aware of is 0. I cycle between like three pairs of lounge or sweat pants, forever. That is my life.
Much ado was made over in the main subreddit last week where someone posted a chart of a lot of XIV leg slot items all dyed the same color, and lo and behold they're all slacks. For anything modern or even just "not armor", the male-coded variants of the sets do often come with slacks. These come with desires for more fantastical things to wear in the leg slot to go with these sets.
But, again, I do not know enough about men's fashion to have a strong opinion or preference on alternatives. What exists out there in the world to fill the niche of "fantasy pants" on unarmored sets meant to reflect contemporary, sci-fi, or even just post-medieval fashion? In most other MMOs I'm familiar with it's also just slacks or armored trousers as far as the eye can see.