Jeuno: The First Walk is probably the best 24-man since the Ivalice ones (Full Spoilers)
I'm going to get the bad parts out of the way first:
- Outside of the opening to one fight, they're not quite beating the allegations that modern 24-mans are just 8-man duties with More People. Nothing really involved any party going off to do their own thing.
- This raid is completely incomprehensible to people that have not experienced XI in terms of what it's referencing. The setup is explicitly a nostalgia-laden speedrun through visions of various parts of base XI and Rise of the Zilart. There is no attempt at connective tissue between encounters or explaining what the fuck we're fighting (even if "Big Dragon" is self-evident).
- On the first two fights especially tanks are sort of overpowered enough that they can strugglebus way harder than they should be able to and kind of hold the rest of the raid hostage for a bit because they'll inevitably die to attrition or a forced enrage thing.
Now outside of those points? I think this 24-man was fantastic and hit the perfect level of difficulty for casual content. We wiped on the second boss 2 times and almost wiped on the first and fourth boss but the 4 AM Gamer Groups saved me. The third boss was probably the cleanest run we had. I went in on VPR because lol launch 24 man tank queues and I have played through all of XI's stories and experienced most of its content, though in recent years and not in the Nostalgia Era of the early/mid 00s, in case you wonder where I'm coming from with my impressions.
Suffers from the usual "First Boss" syndrome. Her ideas were novel to the 24-man only crowd (she's mainly a mix of Gladiator of Sil'dih and Black Cat), but she starts the "repetition" point way too fast and can be struggle-bussed through really easily. Even so, she gets to "the point" like 5x faster than Thaliak did, and for awhile at least people will be yeeted off the platform which is always fun.
Perfect second 24-man boss. Chaotic telegraph dodging with some animation-based tells, adds to do multitarget on that will kill the raid if left alone for too long, a few gotchas, some melee/caster uptime struggles, punishments for too many deaths with the stacks, I really don't have any complaints about this one. Does the "big dragon" archetype justice.
Ark Angels
A bit of an AoE clusterfuck fight but super enhanced by the presentation. These characters weren't voiced til now and the voices they used suited them well. The opening had me worried that it would be a "single target only" fight but I realize now they did that sort of system to force the tutorialization to happen without groups just hard focusing one AA down. Each one does a few things that are interesting to deal with, AAHM forces a pretty nasty heal check for a 24-man when he casts Mighty Strikes (as he should), there's the mini DPS check with AAEV's shield, and MY GOD THEY REMEMBERED INTERRUPTS EXIST. Tanks have things to do on this fight! There are things to interrupt! And then once the mechanics are all shown it turns into a multitarget mosh pit clusterfuck where the AAs all do their things and you can DPS them down freely, which was super freeing for XIV's encounter design. If I have one complaint it's that nothing they do is really lethal enough to stick and force a wipe even on a first run, we got through without strugglebussing that much.
Shadow Lord
Probably the epitome of "memorize the tell sequence and keep an eye on external entities" in casual content. Lots of cleave or left/right sequences but mixed in with other things to keep things interesting. At our gear levels he's also tuned to be pretty damn lethal, and there are enough stack checks (and the nasty bleed + damage up he starts getting at the end), such that you can't strugglebus him forever. I was worried at first that he felt kind of simple but after the transition he felt completely appropriate for a 24-man last boss. We had a few near-wipes which could be frustrating on low %s on a last boss but that's the sort of danger I want to see in these things.
Trash is trash but I liked seeing a few iconic XI locations and some XI monsters and NMs. The little "minIbosses" with the big XI Crab and Doll were fun. And again, INTERRUPTS!
Voice Acting and general presentation helped this out a ton. XI music, even direct rips, is still hype in battles given the right tracks. I had no issues with the music.
This is definitely the standard I hope they keep up for the second and third raids in this series and about where I think 24-mans in XIV should be, albeit perhaps with more party-based mechanics to take advantage of the 3-party nature of the content.