The empathy I am getting from prospective employers during job interviews is a good omen... Remember, you are employable!

Since late January, I've been on the job hunt. Many times, the question "Why are you seeking a new role right now?" has come up during HR screens and interviews. For the first time ever, instead of giving a canned answer like "I'm looking for growth...", I am speaking frankly yet tactfully to prospective employers about what's going on with the government. I generally don't criticize the president or the administration in my response but simply say that the President is giving us a heads up by saying that our services are no longer needed and that he is encouraging us to bring our skills and experiences to the private sector. Then I describe how my skills and experiences with the federal government can help their organizations solve their daily problems and accomplish their long-term goals.

I am struck by the empathy my response to this question is getting. A lot of people are reading the news and understand what's going on.

You are employable. People are watching. Granted, as more people leave and get fired the job market will get tougher, but you are not unemployable simply because you worked for the federal government.