Help me relax 😭

My flight is an hour delayed due to "technical" reasons and I'm here low-key panicking. After all the news these days, I can't help but be scared. Please help me be more rational about this as I'm starting to get anxious. 🥲

Edit: we're now looking at a 4-hour delay so we're flying out at 6 am (hopefully) instead of 2 am as scheduled. They seemed to be fixing something with the wheels a while ago but the ground crew seems to have stopped working on it for now. The passengers have found spots to lie down for the next few hours. Hoping I could get a bit of sleep too. Thanks for the encouraging words so far. Hoping everything will be okay.

Update: our flight eventually got cancelled due to a mechanical issue. next earliest flight out is in 2 days. Quite frustrating but glad they chose safety over everything else. They put us up in a nice hotel until then, so that takes the sting out of things a bit. Thanks to everyone who helped keep me sane.