Lost 11.2 pounds during 8 day fast

Hello.I’ve been doing water fasting for 8 days now and for the first time in this 8 days I weighed myself.When I looked down i have to say I was a little disappointed.I lost around 11.2 pounds so far.That would be around around 1.4 pounds per day.But I think I understand why.I haven’t been exercising at all.I am on bed almost most of day.That’s because I felt too tired to move and was always feeling dizzy every time I tried to exercise so I agree it’s my fault.Ive heard you get your energy back at around 5 days but that never happend to me.But I do wanna start exercising.Is there any particular exercise you follow during your fasting? Please let me know if you have any tips :( I do not plan on giving up till I reach my goal.