Update on fasting and quitting alcohol cold turkey
Mid September I decided to do a 30-day water fast and quit alcohol the same day. I MADE IT. Kind of. Managed to fast for 17 days with water, electrolytes and an occasional diet coke. As it is for most people, day 3 was the hardest food-wise. I had trouble sleeping for about a week.
After one week it was bliss. Weight was coming off, water retention normalised, I felt lighter, looked so much better and less puffy, and my skin brightened. I was able to get 6-7 hours of sleep at night. I was much, much more enerigsed and motivated. I stopped fasting after 17 days because I was losing weight too quickly and got worried about loose skin.
I lost 8.5 kilo and after going back to eating gained 1.5 back. I've stayed at that level for 3 weeks now. I kept up my sobriety and have very little cravings. Fasting gave me extra motivation to not drink because not only would I break sobriety but also my fast so I had twice the reason not to reach for wine. I honestly feel like I am getting my life back.
I do not recommend what I did, everyone is different and every body is different, but it did work for me. I am very grateful for this community and the support I got here! Thanks guys