What other mediums suit the genre best, except for books?

Fantasy has always evolved and expanded when new avenues of entertainment have opened up, and now it just explosionally grows with every type of platform that's out: comics, video games, movies, TV-even that interesting stuff with interactive storytelling and virtual reality-all push the bounds of what fantasy can be like. Of course, all of those are cool mediums in their own way, but the question is-which do you think among them allows fantasy to really shine and be at its best?

I deliberately didn't name the books here for a reason: I genuinely believe that a fiction novel is still the best medium for experiencing a genre-the way they let creators really dive deep into things, be it world-building, character development, or just creating these complex plots, simply can't be beat. Mostly, though, I am excited to hear from you regarding the other formats and how they shape the genre on a daily basis!