Steel of Man (man of steel)
I realised I had not released my earlier edits to reddit, so I will do so now.
original release Oct 2022
Lois Lane gets rescued by a mystery man and endeavours to find him and tell his story. We are taken through a story of discovery and a man's determination to make up for the loss of his father. This fanedit rearranges the original scene order and removes many flashbacks, while adding much colour grading to accentuate the mood of each scene. It also refocuses the movie on Lois and Clark, removing much of the subplots of the military and the People of Metropolis.
Intention: To focus the film, take away a lot of bloat and brighten the mood to make it feel more like SUPERMAN.
- Title sequence colourised
- Krypton intro removed
- Lois Lane in icy Canada inserted as opening scene
- edge of screen light flare added to aid the sense of location
- shots of Clark removed or reframed to hide his face
- first introduction of kryptonian drone is when it attacks Lois
- When Clark saves Lois, she is in shock so her POV shots are blurry and we cannot make out his face.
- The shots of Clark helping Lois are shortened and her scream is greatly reduced.
- after the scout ship flies off, new film title is inserted
- talk with Perry White follows, as does talk with hack journalist
- Lois' search for her mystery man is inserted here, cutting out references to logging and bar job
- oil rig scene added as flashback, heavily trimmed and removing Clark's face
- Lois meting Pete Ross inserted
- schoolbus flashback added, re-editing to take emphasis off Clark and onto Pete Ross as he is telling Lois this tale, cut after Pete in Kent farm
- Lois arrives at Kent farm and then cemetery to meet Clark Kent
- Clark gives flashback of his Dad talking to him by truck and showing him spaceship
- return to cemetery and Lois' reaction shot, then to daily planet and angry Perry
- Clark tells Mom he has found his people
- cut to north pole and Clark meeting Jor El
- as Jor El talks to Clark, inserted flashback of Jor El berating Krypton council and Zod initiating a coup
- cut back to Jor El telling Clark about the genesis Chamber
- Flashback to Jor El retreiving the codex and sending Clark off to earth
- cut back to Jor El introducing the symbol of El and Clark learning to fly
- cut back to Clark and his Mom at the farm sitting on steps.
- Lois at daily planet, Zod ship arrives, Clark at farm, witnessing Zod's arrival. edited to remove military and some of the random people
- inserted shot of tornado
- cut the colonel from the Lois capture scene
- removed church scene; Clark does not hesitate in rescuing Lois
- cut glamour shots of military hardware
- inserted flashback to zod's trial while he is in dream sequence on the black zero
- removed military people identifying Zod's ships flying to earth
- removed kryptonian doctor taking Clark's blood
- moved Clark breaking restraints after shot of spacecraft over Smallville
- removed Lois shooting Kryptonians like she's an expert with alien laserguns
- inserted Zod's ship arriving at Kent farm before Clark getting up off table
- removed Jor El "you can saver her Kal"
- cut from Lois rescue to Faora grabbing Mom and finding Clark's ship
- heavily trimmed scene of Lois talking after they land in field to give more urgency
- cut quickly back to Kent farm with Mom being seriously threatened
- cut grain silos exploding and Clark furiously punching Zod
- cut Clark cruelly gloating at Zod as he suffers from sensory overload
- trimmed military glamour shots
- shifted camera frame to hide the fact that Clark negligently jumped right into a building
- cut shots of excessive damage cause by warplanes
- cut all Faora's nonsense dialogue about evolution
- cut more and more and more shots of military
- cut Clark punching Kryptonian into trains
- cut "a good death is it's own reward"
- when Clark goes to check on Mom, inserted flashback to Tornado incident, stock footage of highway included.
- Tornado incident heavily edited so that his Dad does not tell Clark not to save him. His dad is a hero and Clark is busy getting his Mom to safety.
- Removed military making commentary on the world engine
- trimmed scenes of Black Zero descending on the city
- heavily cut city scenes during world engine battle, so there is a clear cross cutting just between Clark and Zod and then clear cross cutting between Clark and Lois.
- Cut most of the heavy petting scene. Although I brought the focus back to Lois and Clark, the relationship is still not this well developed and it is unearned,
- reframed Zod's shots to give him more emphasis in his powerful moments
- inserted shots of Clark's dad to show how his dad is at the front of his thoughts
- cut much wanton destruction of the city
- inserted shot of the time his dad died to show Clark is equating Zod's unrelenting violence as similar to the tornado
- reframed Clark's face to show his distraught reaction to killing Zod
- inserted Batman v Superman scene of mountaintop conversation with his dad. Shots of Jonathan are framed as memories and establishing shot of mountains is included from stock footage.
- cut scene of military drone
- inserted 'Ballad of Perry White' in credits.