Worried about my friend
Hi, I'm not an ex-orthodox. I believe in God, but not in any man-made religion or dogma.
However, my best friend went deep into Orthodox Christianity couple years ago. After that 90% of our discussion have been him trying to convert me and me getting frustrated. One thing I've noticed, that they have really outsourced their thinking to authorities within their own religion. Our arguments go like this without exception:
He tells me about Jesus, how the Orthodox Church is the only true church, and how I should open my heart to it.
I question one of the many problems I have with the religion and dogma.
He tries to argue back, but doesn't have enough knowledge.
He says I should talk to <INSERT AUTHORITY NAME HERE> of their church. And of course, always linking me some 5 hour Jay Dyer debates. Like I give a shit.
Now what I want to know: is this normal? Is orthodoxy really this cult-like or is it just my friend? Are they really discouraged from thinking for themselves as if critical thinking is dangerous? Do you think there is anything to do about this?
I've had it up to here and I'm thinking if I should try my utmost to make him understand he's been brainwashed or just let the friendship die.