Just bought an Evercade EXP-R and I’m baffled by the availability of certain cartridges

I love the idea of getting a retro handheld and buying cartridges containing retro game bundles. It’s a super-fun idea and completely nostalgic for me. I’m a C64 gamer and I’m buying those collections as well as the Home Computer Heroes and Interplay classics. I looked at buying Atari Lynx Collections and found that they aren’t available. I can only find them on eBay and other outlets at an enormous expense. Why are some cartridges no longer being produced, remaining on the site? If they are no longer produced, remove them!

Some questions for Evercade: Why entice gamers to think these are still available and buy your platform thinking there’s still hope of playing these games at reasonable prices? If these games were THAT popular then why not bring them back into production?