What are yours eurovision 2025 predictions/opinions?

I feel like I have no idea for what’s about to happen this year’s eurovision, and I want to hear your predictions like who will win the jury votes, public vote or maybe any dark horses? In my opinion I feel like I love the Austrian entry but it reminds me to much of Nemo’s song, and it would kind of boring to have a winners two years in a row that resembles each other. I hope this year a fun entry would finally win or at least in the near future, maybe Sweden or Finland are worthy contenders that puts you in a real positive mood. If I would bet on a country to win I would choose Israel… I do not support their participation in this competition, however they dominated the tele-votes last year and this year is going to be no exception which I think is unfortunate because I do not like or connect song. What do y’all think? I’m really curious of your opinions since I think this year is going to be one of the most even in a long time.