[Sage The Barista Express BES875UK] poor coffee results for new enthusiast.

[Sage The Barista Express BES875UK] Poor coffee results from my machine

I got a great deal on a returned machine for £266 shipped which convinced me to move away from my standard nespresso machine but either my machine is no good or I am rubbish at making coffee.

I suspect it’s me but I’ve watched the official video and I just can’t get a good creama no matter what I try.

Also the pressure goes off the chart every time I’ve tried low grind setting and high grind setting and tamping light or hard doesn’t seem to make much of a difference either.

Is there a complete beginners guide ?

I also don’t get how much coffee should be in the actual holder too nor how I should use the razor thing?

I have noticed when I run the machine the water doesn’t flow from the extraction evenly it seems to be stronger on 2 sides rather than all of them.

I’ve included some pics on the post of my efforts.

I am using store bought coffee not freshly roasted as I need to find some but I still can’t believe it would be this bad.

Any help please as I don’t want to give up.