Lynch Syndrome
When I was diagnosed with stage IIIc grade 2 endometrial cancer in Oct '24 my doctor said I was not his typical endo cancer patient. We did some genetic testing and turns out I have Lynch Syndrome (MSH6). For folks unfamiliar, it's a genetic mutation that increases your chance of certain cancers. In particular endometrial and colorectal, but also ovarian, urinary tract, gastric and more. I've spent too much time lately worrying, not about the current cancer, which I feel we have a good handle on with my treatment plan. But I worry about other cancer I might get. The risk is so much higher for people with Lynch I can't help feeling this isn't going to be my only rodeo, you know. I realized yesterday I'm probably not going to die of old age but of cancer. This uterine cancer really snuck up on me. Very light, intermittent postmenopausal spotting was my only symptom. I recognized this as abnormal and saw my gyn pretty quickly. Next thing I know it's stage 3. Anyone else here have Lynch Syndrome? How do you deal with the what ifs and worrying about the cancer recurring or developing a new cancer? I'm an optimistic person but feel like I could use some advice on how not to go down this rabbit hole. Thx