Elliott Smith
I don’t know how to explain. He’s magical. Sometimes I doubt that he was real, but at the same time he’s the most real someone can possibly be… as far as a musical artist goes anyway. I can’t help but deny his passing… it feels like I knew him. I wasn’t even alive in 2003. I’d do anything for him to still be here. I can’t even think about it. Lately, I’ve been listening to other music more (mainly quasi). Most likely a good thing, but every time I go back, which I inevitably do, it’s insane. His voice and all his music is so comforting and familiar. Every time I go from a whole day of not listening to him and then listen to one song, it’s so much more impactful than if I spend a whole day listening to him. I get this way almost every time I do so. Nearly no other music has me feeling the same way as Elliott’s does. I really vividly remember the first times listening to certain albums, also a handful of memorable (for better or for worse) experiences I had while listening to his music. Most the ones that stick are the good ones, thankfully. There’s really no one I can talk to right now that gets it. Sorry for the rambling. Do you get it? Does this make sense? How many of you feel the same?