Daily Questions & Discussions Megathread - February 14, 2025
Please use the search feature before posting, your question may have already been asked and answered elsewhere.
This thread should be the go-to for posts that don't warrant a full thead/discussion, which include but are not limited to:
- Short, simple or subjective questions
- Rants/Rages
- Other general discussions about the game
Posts of these types outside of this thread that are deemed to warrant increased exposure will be allowed to remain, else they will be deleted.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When does maintenance end? Servers tend to be back online around 8:30AM GMT.
When is X/Y/Z player being released? The earliest we know is on Thursday where we find out what is coming the following Monday. Else, nobody knows. Sit tight.
Can I use my PS/XB/PC/Mobile account on another platform or transfer players from one to the other? No, they are not portable at this time.