Platini best AMF in the game?
I see him very rare in other teams. But for me he play very well. 360 matches, above 170 goals and above 100 assists. Mainly play him on AMF, very rare as SS. He is very fast, great ball control and dribble. Great agility and perfect free kicks. Anybody have similar thougs about him? Compare him with others my best AMF players:
Ronaldinho is slower,
Gullit (I have first Milan version) as AMF role is worse than Platini. He have better physical and defence stats but definitiely worse in offensive and technique. Prefer play him as CMF.
Kaka (Milan version). I like him but for me he is very underrated in this game and don't play as real life.
Maradona (version from penalty) can play as AMF. He is good but never have big impact as Platini in match.
Other players what i can consider as AMF is Cruyff and Baggio. But i don't have these players.
Of course we also have Messi but he is another level for all playes in the game.