this game is so scary
i recently picked up dying light 2 for cheap and heard mostly positive stuff about it, especially since the good night good luck update, so i downloaded it and hopped in the first 3 hours werent bad because i was doing the prolouge and some of the main quest so all i all to do was kill a couple of regualar zombies and stuff. but as soon as i got thrown out into viledor it all changed, the world became my playground i was sprinting along rooftops and making insane jumps i could avoid any zombie and just explore but sadly thats where the confidence stopped. night fell and i heard the shrieks and screams of the undead then a volatile spotted me and started a chase it was the most scared i was in a good while, i thought if i climbed enough and kept momentum the zombies wouldnt do anything, I was so wrong these volatiles leaped from roofs and even on to street lights and ledges, there was no escape, i ran for my life and when i thought i was safe 3 more volatiles spotted me and it felt like half the zombies in the city were on me, i sprinted towards a UV zone but around 20 metres before i got there i missed a jump and fell into the cesspit of volatiles, i tried fighting them off with my common machete then they ripped me apart and i hid in a corner for the rest of the night like a baby.