Burnt out bro
Just out of precaution I am going to stay as vague as possible because I am a paranoid individual.
Anyway, I recently got promoted to shop lead about 6 months ago. I was super excited because I have been with Dutch Bros for several years and have worked my way through shift lead, full time shift lead, mobster, etc. I had stepped into the role after the previous shop lead had been let go due to “not meeting performance expectations.” I will also note that I got treated significantly better than they had been treated despite needing the same guidance as the previous person. I’m not sure if this is necessarily favoritism, I just find it weird how much more opportunity I am given to mess up than they were, anyway, not the point of this.
I feel extremely burnt out. The stand that I work at has a lot of issues with call outs and overall shop moral, and it feels like my manager and I don’t agree with how to solve these issues. If you’ve worked for Dutch Bros, then you know it’s unfortunately a “my way or the highway” mentality for a lot of managers, and I am struggling to keep up with the workload that is passed down to me to “fix” the issues we have as a shop. I feel like I am expected to work for free for several hours a week and I am also not allowed to have over time, but a lot of times the work required of me takes over 40 hours in general. I am just as confused as you are on why I am hitting over 40 hours at a coffee shop job, but that’s been my life for 6 months. The pay is also not very good and my friend who is a broista makes more than me on their paychecks. I know money isn’t everything but Dutch Bros expects so much for what feels like very little compensation. Not to mention the full body aches after a shift!
I have been finding myself wanting to seek new career paths, and have even been offered new positions at new places for better pay. It is hard because I have fun sometimes, but I miss how it was when I started. Which is a normal feeling I guess as I read more from former employees, and I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences in shop lead positions? And if so, did you leave? How do you feel about Dutch Bros as an ex-employee? I almost feel like they scare you out of leaving because “everyone who leaves always comes back!” But if I leave, I don’t know if I could bring myself to come back.