Queue cutters, why?
At expressway exits. I’m talking about motorists who choose to only join the queue close to the exit point, or worse, at the chevron. These drivers charge straight to the front of the queue and look for a heavy vehicle or a car who leaves a large gap in front to cut in front of. And when they do, they cause the vehicles behind them to jam brake.
It’s easy to tell who is blatantly doing it versus those who miss the start of the queue and have to join somewhere in the middle.
I take the BKE exit to SLE daily and it’s a very common occurrence. I see this too at other exits.
Do drivers not have enough road sense to filter left early when planning to exit? Or do they just not care?
PHV drivers, does queuing up cause you to lose $, or are passengers unhappy that their trip is taking longer than expected?
Luxury car drivers, why is is mostly you who do this lol