31, under 5ft, never had my license, gives me so much anxiety and fear.
So like the title says, I'm 31 and have only ever had my permit back in high school. I was anxious back then and decided I would keep practicing but hold of a couple years, like 18 before I got my license, but the anxiety and fear didn't ever go away. The last time I tried practicing, I almost blacked out. I get tunnel vision horribly and grip the wheel so tight that it hurts my knuckles. I'm also very petite (under 5 feet) and have always had to have the seat moved all the way to the steering wheel, which I learned that if you're that close to the steering wheel and the air bag goes off, it can have very serious, if not a fatal outcome and that definitely didn't help learning. I can't see the hood of the car while driving either. Also I don't know if pedal extensions would help? I just have so much anxiety, fear, and doubt in myself but it's something I need to do because it's taking a toll on my relationship and I don't want that, or any reason, to be the reason we break up. It's so rough. Anyone have words of wisdom, advice, tips, anything at all? I would be beyond greatful.