i haven’t read drarry in years… recs?
drarry used to be my favourite ship when i was a young teen but then i discovered wolfstar and i absolutely forgot about drarry and have been reading them for the past decade ever since. i can’t help but miss them sometimes, though, and could never get into jegulus because it’s simply too ooc. i tried, read all the famous ones, and even when the story is good, it just feels like i’m not reading the marauders but some oc story that co-opts their names. drarry to me is jegulus that actually feels believable and has grounds to stand on, and therefore, i really want to start reading them again. please none of the ones where harry discovers j + r carved anywhere with draco or anything because i honestly really don’t like jegulus and don’t want any reminders of them whatsoever. my only conditions is i won’t read any where remus is like snape or something. wolfstar is my otp so that’s a hard hard no. not saying wolfstar has to be together but there can’t be a whole ass storyline with rem or sirius with someone else. if it’s off screen or straight up after the war and their dead like they’re canonically supposed to be anyway, that’s obviously great. i just no i won’t get into things like lily’s boy (no matter how good it is), for those very reasons.
so, what’s some good place to start? has to be in the magical world, don’t care if it follows canon or not, but nothing muggle please. i might get there at some point but for now i’m not interested. really, really want angst. lots is fine. tons. where they’re preferably obsessed with each other. it can be super toxic i don’t give a fuck. oh and preferably not where it gets too much into friendships between pansy blaise and hermione and ron. i just personally kind of find those fics really unbelievable personally and i’m really more interested in the war, them working as aurors, whatever it is, and drarry. will say war fics are probably my favourite but anything angsty and where they’re insane about each other even if that’s not in a positive way is the sweet spot.