Started reading The Auction and can’t believe I waited this long
I know, I know. I feel like The Auction is always a top rec in our community! This always happens to me, I hear about something (whether a fic, a TV show, etc) and think I won’t like it only to absolutely fall in love with it later!
I knew it was part of a series, but vaguely remembered reading somewhere (maybe here) that it could be read standalone. So I started.
I am STILL NOT DONE but I have loved the experience so far! Things I’ve liked:
- Worldbuilding: Not in the traditional sense of the word, but I think the author did an amazing job crafting the world at Edinburgh and the system in place. I was totally sucked in.
- The Malfoys: I’ve always wondered what it would take for them to abandon their racist ways and have always thought that it was unlikely that they weren’t profoundly affected after Lucius fell out of grace with Voldemort. It is very hard to racist people to change, I know, but if there’s one thing the Malfoys value above blood purity, it’s family, and I think almost losing their family because of their views really must have shocked them.
It’s so cool to see Lucius and Narcissa’s relationships with Hermione. Narcissa’s affection is believable because I believe she is a mother and less attached to the whole blood purity thing than Lucius. Lucius seems to tolerate Hermione and while he may not necessarily like her (I’m on chapter 26), he loves his son and his wife, so he accepts her. I feel like I haven’t read a lot of fics where you get to see a side of Lucius like this, so I dig it.
Anyhow, just wanted to share! Would hear your thoughts.