Need motivation to continue Detraquee
So i started Detraquee after getting recommended to read it a few times. My expectations were set pretty high with this one after hearing everybody gushing about how wonderful and beautifully written it is and how it ruined other fics for them. I was expecting some very moving, soul touching, beautiful prose or something. But I was disappointed. The writing kinda fell flat and was terribly underwhelming. The abrupt shift in scenes, the dialogues, the characterisations. It was nowhere near what others had hyped it to be🥲
No hate to the writer of course and I'm not trying to be negative. Maybe it's because I had raised my expectations too high or because I started it right after finishing greenlight whose prose is very lyrical and poetic.
But now no matter how good the storyline is, I just can't focus on it instead of nitpicking and I ended up stopping after chapter 28.
Also, I heard that Dramione doesn't happen until like the last 20% of the fic around after 80 chapters so that's kinda demotivating as well.
But I really want to see the beauty others saw in it🥺 and I hate dnfing. Is there something I'm missing missing? Does it get better?
Edit: Thank you everyone for your comments 🫶 you all have successfully convinced me to stick around and read a few more chapters of Detraquee. Hopefully with some new points in mind I'll be able to enjoy it more!