What's your Warden/Hawke up too when Rook is fighting the gods?
This post isn't meant to complain about DATV. I think we have been presented with a blank slate and we can use that canvas. Let's just talk about headcannons!
So, what's you're Warden up too? Are they still alive? Are they fighting at Skyhold or in the Deep Roads? Are they in Ferelden or somewhere else? How about your Hawke?
Personally, my Warden (Evune Mahariel) is defending Skyhold until her last breath. She's married to Leliana (not the Divine in my worldstate), and Leliana still calls her beautiful regardless of how the taint affects her. I think they would die together, making sure that Skyhold and the people in it are safe 😌
Also that hurts my heart and I'm a sucker for some tragedy. Take her out fighting the Blight with the person she loves most, protecting what she can.
And my Hawke? Running around in the fade buck ass naked, living her best unhinged life. Perhaps Victoria closer to a spirit of chaos at this point and I love that for her. Tits out, daggers out, let's fucking go