What are you favorite character moments from Dragon Age II, big or small?
I finished a playthrough of Dragon Age II a couple of months ago and there were so many well-acted scenes that I ended up keeping 20-30 saves with descriptive names like "Varric Razzes Hawke" to revisit next month. Coming off of Baldur's Gate 3 at the time, I thought the quality of writing and voice acting on these were phenomenal. Before I sift through my saves and replay sections of the game, I'm interested to hear about the character moments, big or small, that resonated with all of you.
Here are the ones that came to mind immediately for me. I'm sure I'll come up with more when I look through my saves, but these are the ones I remembered after my time away from the game:
Aveline Act 1 - Captain of the Guard conversation. After The Way It Should Be, you can chat with Aveline in her office to find out how she's feeling one year after her husband's passing--and she even admits that she holds some lingering resentment towards you if you were the one to euthanize him in the prologue. At the end, you get a dialogue wheel option that says "Good work. I'm proud of you" although in Bioware fashion, Hawke doesn't explicitly say that to Aveline, which I think would've enhanced the scene. She does call you a "true friend" and thanks you for bringing her to "where I should be." I thought the non-combative version of this conversation did a great job of conveying mutual respect and camaraderie between two friends.
Isabela and Merrill incidental dialogue: "Why do you even like me?" I love the rapport these two have. Isabela takes a shine to Merrill, playfully indulging her naïveté and calling her "kitten" as early as Act 1. There are times when Isabela's love for Merrill and admiration for her nature come through clearly:
Merrill: ...why do you even like me? I must seem so dull.
Isabela: What brought this on?
Merrill: Your life has been... so exciting. The adventures, the duels, the passionate love affairs. Compared to that, my life is a stale, dry biscuit... I wish I had your life.
Isabela: No. You don't want my life.
Merrill: Why?
Isabela: Because you have a good heart, and you deserve better.
Bethany Act 1 - The End of the Roads. At the end of The Deep Roads Expedition, Bethany collapses and Hawke learns that she's contracted the Blight. He makes the the extremely difficult decision to appeal to the Grey Wardens for help. I specifically love the emotion on masc-Hawke's face during these scenes--Bethany is leaving Hawke's life in such an abrupt and emotional way that she might as well be dead. It's extremely well-acted on Nicholas Boulton and Rebekah Staton's parts. Then, after all of that, Hawke has to break the news to Leandra and comfort her when she falls to her knees.
I like the Grey Warden outcome for Bethany because it compounds the tragedy of the Hawke family in a way that's better than just ending Bethany's own story with her death. Subsequent interactions with Bethany indicate that she resents Hawke for the decision he made. I think they do ultimately make up with each other at the very end, but until then we see Bethany making bitter comments when she appears in Act 2 and 3, during Mark of the Assassin--but strangely not during Legacy if I'm recalling my playthrough correctly?
Fenris Act 2 - "What has magic touched that it doesn't spoil?" At the end of A Bitter Pill, Fenris confronts Hadriana, a mage who was complicit in his enslavement. The scene is well-written and acted--his fury is conveyed clearly in his interrogation and murder of his oppressor. But afterwards, we see it wasn't a cathartic act at all--he's left with mixed emotions about a sister who's alive, anger that the one person even more responsible for his abuse than Hadriana is still alive, and frustration at Hawke for trying to talk about it and comfort him. His frustation, his lashing out at Hawke feels very realistic and my heart just broke when he stormed off afterwards.
Fenris Act 2 - "All I wanted was to be happy... just for a little while." Right on the heels of the above scene, Fenris visits you at your home and explains how Hadriana treated him; how he's feeling right now. What elevates this moment for me is Fenris' reaction to Hawke touching his arm. The trauma of his enslavement and the anger linked to that trauma make him react reflexively and aggressively to being touched: his lyrium-infused markings glow, he pushes Hawke up against a wall, and his face briefly contorts with rage before he realizes what he's done and becomes remorseful. His pain is palpable.
Hawke kisses Fenris and his sorrow and confusion melt away. They spend the night together. It's not long enough of a reprieve for Fenris--their night together brings back some flashes of memory and he's re-traumatized. He can't even have a night of bliss, and the scene is made worse in retrospect because it takes years for Fenris and Hawke to talk about this night again. My only criticism of this scene is that it straddles the line of too tragic/sad because of how poorly Fenris ends up at the end of all of it--the encounter with his abuser followed by his night with Hawke is a devastating one-two punch.
Isabela and Merrill incidental dialogue: "You could never say anything wrong." This is a specific interaction that happens when Hawke has romanced Isabela in the past, and is now romancing Merrill. You really get a sense of wistfulness and maybe regret from Isabela, a sincere expression of her affection for Merrill, and Isabela's "You've been alone long enough" at the end seems to reflect some of her own loneliness. Such a beautiful little interaction:
Isabela: You and Hawke... something's there, isn't there?
Merrill: He's clever, strong, and wonderful. How can anyone not love him? / She's so amazing and beautiful. How could anyone not love her?
Isabela: How could anyone not?
Merrill: You're very quiet today. Is something wrong?... it's me. I said something wrong, didn't I?
Isabela: No, of course not. You could never say anything wrong. I'm happy for you, Kitten. You've been alone long enough.
Aveline Act 2 - Condolences for Hawke. After All That Remains, you can, again, chat with Aveline in her office and she'll offer her condolences and relate a personal story about her own father's passing. There's not much I can say here that will do justice to the emotional depth of this conversation and Aveline's monologue--it's just a really good example of platonic love and affection between two close friends.
... I think Aveline's becoming my favorite character in the series.