LINQ vs Fluent API issue

Hello, smart people, I'm learning to make web apps with EF Core and was practicing on some simple CRUD operations. Trying to delete an object from my database in this case. I've ran into an issue where my code is working with Fluent API syntax and wont work with LINQ.

Here are code examples I am using:

Fluent API

var task = context.Tasks
                    .Where(t => t.Id == id)
        if (task is TaskToDo)


var task = from t in context.Tasks
           where t.Id == id
           select t;
        foreach (var t in task)

Since I'm just learning I don't even know what to check. Only thing I could check is that my task variable in Fluent API and t variable in LINQ task query are both successfully recognized as my custom model entity. Screenshots attached.


Fluent API

Would appreciate any help figuring out my issue.
