An update on my puppy!

This is a continuation/update post from my previous one where I vented about my mother 'thinking she knows better than a professional' (link to that). Since the thread got locked, I wanted to make another post because I have really good news; I was able to show her how wrong her way of thinking was and she's on board with getting my boy healthier!!

It took some time, a lot of tears and headaches (on my part), but a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders last night after sitting down and talking to her.

I also had talked to the person who I adopted my puppy from. Turns out my puppy's brother is anemic too, just that my puppy only showed symptoms 3 months later. The bro is low on red blood cells, while my boy is low on white blood cells. But so far, thankfully, everything has been good and he's been responding to the medications prescribed by the vet (Vitamin B & Co amoxiclav). Though, we have yet to get the official results by the end of the week with another visit to the vet.

I just wanted to thank everyone who offered to help, whether it was monetary (of which I couldn't accept, but I can't show you all how much that restored my faith in the universe hahaha. The fact literal strangers on the internet were so on board to help tofu get better. You guys are beyond amazing:) ) or just through reassuring words, I'm forever grateful to y'all.

And that's literally it hahaha Thank you all so so much!!! Puppy tax in the comments soon:)) <333

(Also not sure what to flair this as, sorry about that)