Will this unemployment of freshers ever solve? At least after few years? Seniors please tell your views on this

As a fresher, it feels like the job market is getting tougher and tougher. After completing my degree, I thought I’d be able to land a decent job in the IT field, but so far, the struggle has been real. I’ve noticed that a lot of companies prefer candidates with experience, and even internships often don’t lead to permanent positions. Meanwhile, many entry-level positions are either too competitive or require skills that freshers can’t pick up without first landing a job.

I’m sure I’m not the only one facing this issue. So, to the seniors who’ve been through this, do you think this is just a phase or will things improve in a few years? What has been your experience—how long did it take for you to get your first break? Was it worth it in the end? Do you think the job market for freshers will become more promising, or is it a matter of adapting to a constantly changing job environment?

Would love to hear your insights and any tips on how to stay motivated while navigating through this.