New player, did I make a mistake picking hunter for my first character?
Edit: This post got waaay more traction than I thought. I learned alot from you guy's different perspectives, and couldn't possibly thank each person who took the time to give me their take (even the less positive ones) or words of encouragement, so thank you guys as a whole!
This is not a rant, more of a concerning observation and opinion from a newer player (3 months in). I'm a hunter main, but I can't seem to be useful anywhere? I'm an experienced gamer and have played similar archetypes in other games, but I feel the hunter class is holding me back when I do harder content. Especially when compared to what I see the other classes do.
PvP is alright because I can keep up with my gunskill, but in a match where ability usage is the make or break for a win? Titans and warlocks seem to have much better options and more of them. In PvE hunters are supposed to be the "DPS guy" I assumed, right? So why do I not only feel outclassed, but straight up useless in raids and dungeons? The only thing I'm good for is invis res it seems (assuming my barricade spamming titan or healing warlock dies somehow). Titans and warlocks nuke everything they see and seem to be immortal, meanwhile I'm a ghost waiting for a res because I.. looked at the boss too long.
I want switch to warlock for this reason but I don't wanna grind again. I seriously am considering just suffering through it though purely for the sake of having that healing circle thing and maybe not get kicked from lfg's I try to join for not being an arc titan.