Can’t feel love?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. We have had our ups and downs but one thing that has been snowballing is my boyfriend’s idea that he doesn’t know what love feels like and has never felt it. He claims he doesn’t love anyone and never has. He has only just made this realization. He used to journal a lot when we first started dating because he says his feelings are hard to get out and he doesn’t understand them. For our 1 year anniversary he complied a book of all the journals about me. In his personal journal he would write all these wonderful things like how happy I made him and how much he misses being close to me. He would go on about how when he was with me he would be so happy even if we aren’t doing anything. But now that has changed. He doesn’t journal and he feels like he lost himself. He says he never felt love before and he must have not been thinking when we was writing. Bull shit right? He has love right? He has feelings? Please give me some advice