Which of the new 2024 choice benefits sounds most appealing to you?

I'm bummed we're losing guest access to SkyClubs as a Diamond choice benefit, so I'll likely be selecting one of the new options if I requalify for 2024. That being said, I don't know which of the new options I want to pick for my third benefit after UCs and gifting Gold. I guess the MQD head start is the best option, followed by maybe the statement credit. What sounds best to you?

New options:

  • A statement credit for a cobranded Delta American Express card ($200 for Platinum and $500 for Diamond)
  • Gift status to two people
  • Delta Vacations discount ($400 for Platinum and $500 for Diamond)
  • MQD head start ($500 for Platinum and $1,000 for Diamond)
  • $250 Delta travel voucher
  • $250 sustainable aviation fuel contribution to help toward decarbonizing