An eagle attacked me today on terrace.

Is something not right today? I see so many birds and eagles 🦅 in the sky.

So, I was on the terrace today enjoying some fresh air and sunlight. Suddenly I saw an eagle flying very low but it changed its course. But then I noticed that there are so many eagles in the sky today. Maybe because of nice weather and sunlight. Anyways, I was moving here and there but mostly under the shed. I didn’t realise there is any danger. But as soon as I moved out of the shed under open sky, something suddenly hit my head. The blow was very hard and once I thought that something has fallen on my head. But immediately I realised that it was an eagle. I immediately went back under the shed and called my dad. He asked me to wash my head. I checked with my phone camera and I saw red bruises. Now I have to get a TT shot 😭