Flashlight saves are so overtuned and have been for awhile
Listen, Ik they’re not the best item, and most people that use them are throwing the game, but it’s just way too easy to get saves. Theres no timing or skill required anymore, and it’s been like this since dredge released. Someone can just come in and since they shined a flashlight at the last .5 seconds of the pickup animation, a whole chunk of pressure is just removed. People in the comments will just say “just run Lightborn dingus lol skill issue terrible killer” or “just fake pickup”but I shouldn’t have to use a perk slot to counter something that shouldn’t happen. And the latter is entirely discontinued if the savers have background player (a perk that legitimately needs a full rework) I’m not calling for saves to be absolutely butchered, but they need to be more intuitive and skillful. Just make it so that a flashlight has to be shone within the first 1.5 seconds of the pickup animation, or just revert the changes alltogether.