A change to the Houndmaster that I think would make her much more fun and interesting to play as + increase her skill ceiling without making her OP by leaning more into the fact that the Houndmaster is dbd's commander killer

Bare with me for a lil cause its a kind of sizeable change but I think literally everyone would grow to like it within a single game

Imagine this: when the dog catches a survivor it by default will try its best to keep them in the same spot they were bit in until/unless The Houndmaster presses the attack bind or power bind to shout a command to her dog which instantly changes the dog's Ai. It wouldn't cause any animations though so it couldn't get in the way of actually attacking (just click again)

The attack bind's command would be called 'To Me' which constantly pathfinds and travels the quickest route to your current location like the how The Knight's power's ai consistently[lol] pathfinds to survivors while chasing them. Ideally the dog would be smart enough to path to windows if the latched survivor is close on the other side of it.

The power bind's command would be called 'Backtrack' which is just the current Ai that makes the dog go back to where you called it from.

Also a separate probably-hot-take idea I have for her is to let her use her power while carrying survivors since she's literally just pointing and talking. It would make her more distinct and interesting while probably still not being OP.

lmk your opinions plz so I didn't just waste my time writing this :P I like hearing them