Is the game killer sided or Survivor sided?

So real quick: I got Dbd for my birthday a few years back and I was enjoying it!! (I main survivor cuz I think it’s fun sneaking around and outwitting people) but I dropped the game because I was always getting toxic killers as a new player (especially Doctors) and survivor teammates who CONSTANTLY team up with the killer to get me and my friends killed. I recently picked the game back up after being scared to even try after multiple attempts to pick it up only to have the SAME outcome and I gotta know what side this game is on. For me I personally feel like it’s killer sided because killers have more control over the match and can get better at dealing with toxic survivors with enough determination, yet I feel with survivors it’s not really a case of we WANT to be toxic but rather we HAVE to be (unless it’s tbaging or anything unnecessary). But that’s just my opinion and I would love to hear if anyone has any reasons and such for if the game is even sided (plus would love tips on being survivor better lmao)