I don’t like how 18 treats Krillin

I’m not a fan of it in general because I think it’s a bit unwarranted considering Krillin has actually achieved his fighting potential while 18 didn’t.

I’m talking about the incident where 18 and Marron called Krillin wimpy when Goku came over, that incident was tough love I agree but it felt harsh and emasculating towards Krillin. It’s also funny cause Krillin actually achieved his potential, meanwhile as we have seen with Android 17 who is at least SSG tier, android 18 herself has a lot of potential yet is not even as strong as SS2. How can she call her husband wimpy when he has maxed out while she hasn’t even bothered training and getting stronger? If anything Krillin is the brave one here while she’s the wimpy one who hasn’t bothered to get stronger.

I also didn’t like how during the TOP when Krillin saved 18 and made a cheeky comment about how she let her guard down , she didn’t like it even though she continuously points out Krillin mistakes, but when Krillin got eliminated, everyone piled on him and 18 said ‘oh and you call yourself my husband’

I get that it was a gag but it was unnecessary. She should have had his back when everyone else was piling up on him.

I also didn’t like when they were sparring that she said Krillin will give her all her money so that she can buy stuff for Marron. Undermining Krillin authority.

Look, I get dragon ball has some gag comedy features so you can’t take it too seriously when it comes to relationship, I understand that.

They even make Chichi have crazy behaviour towards Goku which can be funny and given that she’s a lot weaker than Goku, it’s kinda fine to me when she screams at him, roasts him etc. it’s after all the difference in power dynamics is too large no one will see Chichi as abusive.

But why is 18 doing similar to Krillin when she’s clearly the much stronger person lol? Shouldn’t it be the other way around in this case? Since Krillin is a lot weaker, him being the one to roast her or mock her would be more ‘acceptable’ so you call it due to power dynamics. Given that 18 is much stronger, it could be seen that she’s being abusive so to speak.

Is it because she’s a woman? It makes zero sense. You’re gonna play gag characters, be consistent and don’t use gender to it.

I wish this could be somewhat addressed. I don’t like seeing 18 emasculate Krillin and I think given that 18 is a strong fighter, she should play a much larger role as a fighter instead of just being a ‘mom’

DB needs to stop treating all female characters in the same manner.

18 acting like a cold Chichi/Bulma makes zero sense given that she’s a fighter and is considerably stronger than her husband. It’d make more sense for Krillin to act like the ‘Chichi’ in that dynamic given that he’s much weaker.

This is my 2 cents.