Girls who prefer dating black guys

So at work there’s this girl (22F) who I’ve (22M) talked to a few times. She’s very friendly and cool, plus she’s very cute. One of my co-workers who talks to her more often told me that she admitted to him that she “prefers chocolate” when it comes to men, and that she finds me very attractive. I would be so down, but the fact that she prefers black guys is a big red flag to me. I am usually wary of girls who say this, as it usually entails things along the lines of BBC fetishism, something I find problematic to say the very least. Besides the blatant racist undertones of this, it can be an even bigger problem for me because I don’t fit this stereotype at all. My dong is pretty average, and while I consider myself competent in the sack, this can disappoint women who expect me to pull out a 9 inch anaconda because the myth of all black men having equine endowments has become seen as a general fact by most of society due to porn and pop culture in general. Let me clarify that this woman is in fact white, and I’ve mostly been with non-white ladies. I’d love to try and pursue, but I don’t want it to end in embarrassment. So, these questions are for white women who purposefully seek out black men: does the expectation of a large penis play into your attraction? If not, then what is? Is it a big deal if he falls short of your imagination? I just want some more advice before I make a decision that may end poorly.