Is being an introvert a dealbreaker these days in a relationship?? Really?
He said I don’t vibe in the society and that I am not very social that is the reason he can’t have a relationship with me. It’s an important factor for him.
He realised that after 4-5 months when I got fully invested and I kept asking him what’s wrong why has he suddenly changed towards me.
I on the other hand prefer a guy with a beard, better communication skills, more supportive and empathic which he wasn’t yet I accepted him as he is and tried to give my best. However the fact that I’m an introvert I like to keep my circle small and gave quality over quantity was a dealbreaker for him which he realised after 4-5 months. Infact after our first date he was the one who dropped me to a party because I had plans post our date.
My friends say it’s an excuse for easy exit. Do you all think the same? Because I feel if someone wants to stay they stay, if someone wants to leave they will find any reason to go. He still kept saying I want to continue talking to you but I know you won’t. I can’t meet you but I want to keep talking.
I have never felt this worthless ever in my life as if I lack a lot of things. I think I have him too much attention more than he could handle….
Yesss! Everyone has preferences but 5 months is a long time for someone to realise this. It took me one date to figure out what he gives me and what he doesn’t. Then it was choice to go ahead. I kept asking him if there is something wrong? If he lost interest? If he we are not on the same page. He gave a positive response always. His actions led me on for 5 months. After that you can’t come up and say sorry I didn’t like the way you are in the start but I kept it going anyway, I still kept telling you there is nothing wrong when clearly in my mind it was clear that this won’t go anywhere. Now I know your personality type is a dealbreaker.