Ashlee and brynn

What’s everyone’s opinions on Ashlee and Brynn? Im at the episode where her and Kendall were doing duets with boys and I like Brynn she’s a really good dancer and you can tell she just wants to do good and be friends with all of the girls, I feel so bad for her because the moms do talk about her like Brynn is the one they’re arguing with, I don’t really have an opinion on ashlee she’s not my favourite to be honest but I think in some cases they’re unfair towards her, because all of the things they’re arguing with her about is things they have or would do in the same situation. Jess and jill are that obsessed with their kid being the “new maddie” that’s it’s making them really immature, this episode especially when Jess and Jill walk out at the end while yelling, never seen something so childish and I really like Jill too but season 6/7 I was a bit disappointed.