Video gamer dad here. My wife thinks video games kill brain cells and is taking a stand on not allowing our son to play video games. 99% of the time, we are in agreement with things. But sometimes a dad must put his foot down.
I completely disagree with her on this one. Our son is only a year and a half. He's still not over playing with remotes without batteries. Some day, he will get to an age where he will want to play video games. I understand we all have our scuffs in a marriage. My wife thinks gamers have poor time-management skills and it could hurt him somehow? She grew up in a house where the TV was only on if her parents team was playing a sport. Usually college football. I grew up with unlimited screen time and unlimited video game time. But we still had "bed time" and all that. I'm not saying there wasn't any structure growing up. My parents had my brother and I on a schedule.
So what I'm really after here is, what have you talked about to your SO's with your kids when video game exposure comes up?
I only play when everyone in the house is asleep. I get 8 hours of sleep every night and work 6 days a week full time.
Edit: My wife's exposure to video games are simple smart-phone games with ads. She usually plays Blockudoku, Wordscapes, and one other game I don't know the name of. I'll describe it. It shows a countdown timer where time is added every time you match two items in the massive pile of things on the screen.
I'm still not sure why she correlates gaming with poor time management skills. Could possibly be from her own use of these games, and "how time just flies by" - I'm not sure. When the posted topic comes up again, I'll be sure to ask her. She does sometimes tell me I have poor time management. But it's usually about her expectation of how long it takes her to do something, in comparison to how long it takes me to do it (toy pick-up, dishes, laundry, yard work). However, at the end of the day, she is appreciates my close attention to details that she would or could have missed.
We work together on everything. We are not a couple that fights or argues. (except when we back the boat into the water haha). We have our disagreements and we let it rest, then we come back to it later with good intentions and an open mind to hear each other out.