Anyone else getting tired of spending time with toddler? (Venting)
Long story short I love my son. He’s the best thing in the world but honestly it’s been a rocky ride. I suffered post partum depression for months after he was born and overall he didn’t sleep the first year of life unless being held. Luckily he’s now 17 months and does sleep through the night most nights so that’s good. But I just feel so bored watching and playing with a 17 month old. Like every day is just so monotonous and I miss having more “me” time. Like I so rather be watching the newest Star Wars show or playing call of duty than spending my weekend watching a 17 month old. There are moments of joy for sure but 90% of the times just boring or a lot of work. We do stuff with him. Take him out to stores and children events but it’s just still so boring and monotonous. I’m very much looking forward to when he’s like 7 years old and can play Fortnite with me, Mario kart, kick a soccer ball etc. but this baby / toddler age is just so draining. I’ve gotten to the point where I just need a break. My wife and I live in an area where we have no family. Family visits us a few times a year which help but usually it’s just her and I. Also toddler is in daycare and just constantly gets sick and then gets us sick. Like I don’t even want to be around him. Summer wasn’t bad but now it’s fall and we have been sick for 6 weeks with back to back bad colds. Also had stomach bug come through the house from him as well. I’m just so over this. I know being a parent isn’t easy but man how do you get through it?
I already know I’m one and done. And won’t behaving anymore. I’m just not a baby person. My wife is opposite and says she loves this stage but it’s just so draining for me.
Sorry for the rant. Just don’t have anyone else to talk to about my feelings and wanted to type it out for random internet strangers.