The real reason why CS majors are angry/disappointed

I will start with describing my situation. I didn't choose CS major in order to earn a huge salary. I don't aim to become rich or acquire a "cool" and desirable FAANG job. I don't want to take baths in luxury products. I don't want everybody to say "WOW YOU ARE SO COOL" when I tell them where I work. I didn't choose the major because of deep passion either. My reasoning was as follows: I don't mind (even kind of like) doing this and there are tones of jobs available (which was true at that moment) with decent salary, so why not, this is my best option.

And most people who are angry or disappointed are just like me. We don't expect to be handed 7-digit paychecks straight out of college. We don't expect to get hired by FAANGs after not doing anything but the bare minimum at university. We just want a somewhat respectable place in society and a good compensation for wasting time at a job. We don't think that the universe owes us everything we want. We just want our work to be rewarded.