Don’t Go To The Gas Station At Night
I stupidly made the decision to go get gas at 11pm one night because I didn't make time before work to go. So as l'm pulling up to the gas station there were a couple of cars at the pumps which I sort of felt relieved about and more "safe" going in. Was I wrong, so I go inside to pay the clerk since l'm using cash and as I'm going to the pump to put gas in, most of the cars are leaving except this one truck parked two pumps beside me. I get in the car to wait for my gas to be filled and I'm on my phone and all the sudden I see this guy walking around the front of my car very suspiciously. I sort of glance up to see what he was doing but at that point I had made eye contact with him. Shit. He then proceeds to ask if I have any change for gas, and I nod "no, sorry." He says, "okay that's cool! Hey do you want me to remove your gas pump for you?" | say "no l'm good, thanks!" At this point my gas has filled up and he knows. And he's kind of fidgety as well and walks away behind my car.
I'm trying not to glance back and be subtle about looking where he is because I don't want to alarm him with how terrified I am. In my head I'm thinking how can I leave my car with him still around my car? He's out of sight, at this point no one is in the lot and I'm waiting till another car pulls up, 5 minutes later, nothing. So my flight or fight response is really kicking my ass on what l should do next. It's really cold out, I haven't turned on my car because the pump is still in my car. I don't know where this man is at.
Then finally I see him walk towards his truck but not entering it just around it, but as soon as his back is toward me, I go for it and I take the pump out and he notices and quickly approaches me and says, "oh hey, you're really beautiful!" Still walking toward me I nod, and quickly but subtly put my gas cap back on. And he says "I don't look like a serial killer, do I??" With this crazed look in his eyes. Like yeah mf actually you do. But at this point I bolted in my car and drove off quickly.
So ladies please avoid the gas stations at night or carry some sort of protection because I sure as hell will from now on and I learned my lesson. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds but it definitely could’ve taken a different turn of events had I done things differently.