The Lone Soldier

The Lone Soldier

It was 1920 and it started out as a desolate autumn morning. I sat there staring out the window as the leaves fell mindlessly off the tree branches. When I looked I was met with the noisy streets of Aberdeen filled with bustling crowds and buzzing motor cars. As I got dressed I looked at the mirror and thought about the person I once was. Sometimes I still felt my hand and leg. I could move the individual fingers even though they were not there but even just pretending brought me some sort of relief. My days were usually quite mundane as I didn't really have much to do or or many people that I could have talked to. Everyday before I left the house I had to calm myself as I tried to avoid a breakdown but some days were worse than others and I just cracked.

It was just another menial day to me but to others it was a celebration. November eleventh was the date on my calendar. Some people called it remembrance day but I personally wished to eradicate it from my mind permanently. As I embraced the cold sting of the metal wheelchair the tremors began. I tried to calm myself down but my efforts were fruitless. As my eyes welled up I looked down at my hands, but they were no longer clean and pale but covered in dirt and stained with blood. As I looked around, my home was nowhere to be seen. But instead an endless line of men with oddly shaped helmets positioned next to me. I could remember this day, this was the day that it all happened, the day that infested my dreams and caused so much anguish…

It was an early November morning and I stood there waiting for that deafening whistle to blow. I was tasked with guarding our advance with a lumbering vickers gun that would soon be my only friend in that endless tunnel of flesh and mud. As I waited to take in my surroundings, I was met with the pungent odour of burnt pine that filled up my already worn out lungs. The trees were nearly bare at that time of year with very little to no life at all. I watched, as the decaying brown and yellow leaves crumpled beneath my water logged boots. It was eerily silent. I never did like to be quiet, you know, but silence was a reward like no other.

At the moment that final whistle blew I was over the top running across those barren mud pits of barbed wire and death. just to be met with a grim fate of hellfire and bullets. What happened would haunt me for years to come; I would hear that ghoulish screech of the shell hitting the ground; I would hear the howling of my comrades desperately begging for their mothers as if they were children who'd scraped their knees. I myself was launched into the air and with torn limbs and shattered bones like I was a wrapper in the wind, cruelly landing on that cold desolate ground below.

I spent a lot of time in an infirmary after that, plagued by that awful, awful day that I wished would just vacate my thoughts. I sat there waiting, thinking, hoping today would have been my last on this wretched planet and that my mind would stay calm and clear of those ghastly thoughts. I used to love being young and I loved having the freedom to roam as I pleased but life's cruel chains had shackled me to this steel frame with wheels, demoting me from being good looking and nimble to a monstrosity, held together by crumpled bandage and withered stitch.

One day later and all I could think about was my last relapse, I couldn't live with myself anymore. I needed to stop this. I needed these thoughts to disappear. It was a crisp sunny morning and I had made my mind up. I said to myself ‘I do…don’t want to live like this anymore,’ as my eyes welled up again, trying my utmost not to let a river of sorrow flood my mind. As I crawled out of my bed I got myself clothed, though a white tank top and my old service trousers could barely even be called clothes. I commenced my daily ordeal of climbing atop that chair and disembarking on my Odyssey.

As I rolled down the streets I looked at everyone I passed, at my surroundings, at the sights and sounds that overwhelmed my mind. I wondered what it would be like to be them, to be those people: to have no fears, to have no worries, to have no regrets. I looked at the birds flying and pondered what it would be like to be free again, to be able to walk and run and jump. I wondered what it would feel like to be free again.

Half an hour passed and I felt as if I had been travelling down these bumpy pothole ridden streets for years but I finally reached where I was meant to be. It was a cliff edge that overlooked the sea. It had a beautiful white beach sprawled below it and it brought me joy. Joy that I had not felt in years.

After a few moments of taking in the scenery I started rolling towards the edge at a snail's pace until I couldn't go any further. I looked down to see the ground disappear into a mist of gun smoke and darkness. Even in my last moments, so close to death, my mind intended to haunt me, but I had had enough. I would be reunited with my comrades. As I waited I felt more relaxed. I felt at peace and I felt calm as I looked at the beach below. As I closed my eyes the sensation of the wind stopped and my world had gone black.

it was deafeningly black at first but it then felt more soothing, more comforting, like It was meant to be there. My head was soothed, quiet for once, a feeling that I had not felt in many a moon but now it was all around me. Silence. Pure silence. No more thoughts, no more images of the distorted figures that haunted me. I was finally at peace with myself and the world. I was now the air and the sky. I was now the sand on the beach. I was now the birds soaring through the air. I was now free.