K1 Max Can't Handle Orca Slicer 'Fuzzy Skin'....?

Hey all,

Need some help here as I'm not seeing this come up as a common issue...

Overall, I've been pretty happy with the K1 Max; however, recently, I've been having major issues with random pausing/hesitations by the tool head early on in a print - like within the first 5 layers - followed by a failure and error message. The outer perimeters were also printing EXTREMELY slow which got me thinking about the issue discussed below. Initially, I thought that maybe the mainboard was damaged due to a power outage we sustained which caused everything in our house to power cycle rapidly 3-4 times. I got a replacement board, got everything swapped over, and am still having the same issues...

Thinking more about it, it occurred to me that this may have only been happening on prints that I had done with 'fuzzy skin', sliced in Orca (0.6 length; 0.1 thickness). To test, I initially just printed a quick, standard sized Voron calibration cube (no fuzzy) - finished fine, no issue. I then loaded up the original 3mf project that first caused the issue on the new mainboard and ONLY changed the fuzzy skin option - TURNED IT OFF. Re-sliced, started the print - finished with no issue.

So now the next questions are: is this actually the root cause? If so, is it a matter of the K1M mcu being too underpowered to process the excessive incoming g-code that comes with all the tiny line segments present with fuzzy skin? Or is Orca Slicer doing something funny/inefficient when compiling the g-code that includes the 'fuzzy skin'?

I was going to reinstall Creality Print to test and rule out the last question but have not yet had the opportunity to do so.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this? My highly modified S1 Pro running Klipper on a RPi3 chews through the g-code for this same model/3mf with virtually the same settings with zero issues - absolute perfection.

Note: all firmware, add-ons, slicers, software, etc. are updated to the most current (stable) versions.

Thanks in advance!

**EDIT: See photos for reference.

Successful print on S1 Pro

Failed K1 Max print - BLOBS where nozzle paused

Shutdown and error